Reporting Policy
New Reporting Policy Information for Parents
Hello Bert Edwards Families -
This upcoming school year, all of our teaching staff at B.E.S.T. will be part of the Ministry of Education's Student Progress Pilot Program. I have attached the Ministry's Information package for your convenience. As we move through the school year further information will be shared with the home.
The BC Ministry of Education is rethinking how teachers report student progress - During the First Pilot year (2018-2019) the goal was to trial the draft reporting policy to see how it works - 2019-2020 is the Second Pilot year where the goals are to continue to trial the draft policy to test out the most effective strategies for shifting local reporting practices. Three of our divisions participated during the First Pilot year.
Piloting schools are aiming to increase student engagement and ownership by providing students with opportunities to become more involved and invested in assessment and evaluation processes. The most notable change will be the look of the report card and the reporting to homes - two formal reports (Jan/Feb and June) with a range of other reporting processes including celebration of learning presentations and communication with homes via phone calls, emails and conferences.
We are excited about being part of the Second Year Pilot Program.
Hello Bert Edwards Families -
British Columbia has a redesigned curriculum, which means that we are also redesigning how we assess and report on student progress. The goal of communicating student progress is to ensure that families are well informed about their children’s progress. As a result, we are working to support new practices for communicating about student learning.
This year we are participating as a pilot site for the Ministry of Education’s draft K-9 Student Reporting Policy. Research has shown that good communication between the home and the school is key to student success.
This upcoming school year, all of our teaching staff at Bert Edwards will be part of the Ministry of Education's Student Progress Pilot Program. I have attached the Ministry's Information package for your convenience. As we move through the school year further information will be shared with the home.
The BC Ministry of Education is rethinking how teachers report student progress - During the first pilot year (2018-2019) the goal was to trial the draft reporting policy to see how it worked. 2019-2020 was the Second Pilot year where the goals were to continue to trial the draft policy to test out the most effective strategies for shifting local reporting practices. This year (2020-2021), the third pilot year the district is aiming for all elementary schools in SD73 to be a part of the pilot.
Piloting schools are aiming to increase student engagement and ownership by providing students with opportunities to become more involved and invested in assessment and evaluation processes. The most notable change will be the look of the report card and the reporting to homes - two formal reports (Jan/Feb and June) with a range of other reporting processes including celebration of learning presentations and communication with homes via phone calls, emails and conferences.
We are excited about being part of the Third Year Pilot Program.
Further Information...
Communicating Student Learning - B.E.S.T. 2020 - 2021 |
BEST Reporting Pilot |
New Reporting Policy |
Information Letter |
Student Progress Pilot Project |
Student Progress Pilot Project |
Proficiency Scale |
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